Being away for 6 months means that we have to decide what to do with my little Fiesta, Fanny. Sam's lease car is going back so there's no problem there. I now own Fanny outright, and given that I do very low mileage she is cheap to run and maintain, so I'd like to keep hold of her.
There are varying opinions on what to do with a car for 6 months. Storing her in a garage makes things simpler, but the two key things that people have advised are:
- put her up on axle jacks so that the tyres don't get flat spots
- hook her up to an intelligent trickle charger, so the battery stays in good condition
In addition, I'd probably want to fill out a SORN and also contact my insurance company to see if I could get some money back.
I was fully prepared to go down this route, but the whole axle jacking thing is complicated by the fact that Fanny is parked tight up against one of the walls of the garage. This means we'd have to jack her up from the front and back, which would need 'proper' equipment and I'm not sure there is enough space at the back to do this.
The alternative is to get someone else to run her while we are away. People have kindly offered to give her a drive every couple of weeks, but to be honest this would be a faff for them. The preference would be for someone to use her as their own vehicle.
The house sitters already have a car lined up, but a bit of Facebooking found that Sam's cousin Hannah could use a car. So that's that sorted then. Fanny won't be sitting alone and unloved in stasis for 6 months.